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Bankruptcy has been declared) or meets the criteria for being included in collective bankruptcy proceedings at the request of creditors (in accordance with national law); (d) where the company has received rescue aid and has not yet repaid the loan or terminated the guarantee agreement, or has received restructuring aid and is still subject to a restructuring plan; (e) in the case of an enterprise that is not an SME, if in the last two years: ) the accounting ratio of foreign capital to equity capital of this enterprise exceeds . ; and ) the interest coverage to EBITDA ratio of this company is below . . Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.
Assessment of the company's financial condition is a key element in the process of applying for a subsidy. A company only needs to meet at least one of the five evaluation criteria above to be excluded from receiving support. When is a financial assessment made? The photo retouching difficult situation is examined based on the company's current financial statements at two stages of applying for support: at the time of submitting the funding application (usually, but not always); when signing the co-financing agreement. ! In such a situation, despite meeting other criteria, the application for funding will be rejected and the contract will not be signed.
However, in the case where the funding was granted due to the negligence of the institutions assessing the application, the entrepreneur, even after completing the project, will be obliged to return the entire amount of the funding along with interest calculated as on tax arrears. How not to find yourself in a difficult situation? To avoid problems in the process of applying for funding, an entrepreneur should carefully examine the financial situation of his company. Check whether there is a need to contribute to the capital, or maybe it is enough to convert loans from shareholders into equity capital or make a contribution in kind to improve the financial situation, which should be selected individually taking into account the specific conditions of the company's operation.