However, avoid filling your description unnecessarily. In this way, spammy-looking texts are created without much appeal. If you actually lack the content for such a description, opt for a not-so-long (natural) description. Channel Authority The term “Channel Authority” refers to the reputation and credibility of your YouTube channel in the eyes of YouTube and also the users . When it comes to YouTube SEO, the authority of your channel is also an important ranking factor . Your channel authority is determined by various factors that reflect the overall performance of your channel.
Number of total video views The total number of video views is an important criterion in Special Data YouTube SEO. The higher the number of views , the more likely it is that the algorithm will classify your video as interesting . Number of videos uploaded The total number of uploaded videos helps, above all, with the perception of your channel within the YouTube community . If you publish a lot of videos on a specific topic, you are more likely to be perceived as an expert in this field . Total watch time A high watch time indicates the quality of your YouTube videos . If viewers stay on your YouTube videos longer, this is an indicator that they are relevant.
Age of your YouTube channel If you have had your own YouTube channel for several years and regularly publish videos, this can also have a positive effect on your authority because it is perceived as established and reliable . Number of channel subscribers A large number of subscribers suggests that you produce relevant and engaging content that leads users to follow your channel . Video Authority In contrast to “Channel Authority”, “Video Authority” refers to the reputation and credibility of your individual videos on YouTube. SEO as videos with higher authority are favored by the algorithm in search results and recommendations .