To start an article marketing campaign, how to have a digital marketing campaign? It can be a great guide for you. Advantages of video marketing or video marketing You may still not be convinced that you should give more importance to video marketing, to the results of a study conducted on the buyers of several reputable online stores, video training or advertising was able to influence 90% of their purchasing decisions. Also, in 2019, more than 80% of the Internet traffic space will be dedicated to videos.
In addition to this, the following reasons can emphasize this attention Kuwait Phone Number Data and popularity more. 1- Increasing site SEO with video It may be hard to believe, but video can increase the ranking of your site and store app in search engines. By producing video content, you can increase your click-through rate (CTR) and get better results in Google rankings. Because more users will click on your link. 2- Conversion rate optimization You may be wondering what conversion rate optimization means? It means that users who visit your website or application do what you expect them to do.
According to the research, 57% of the buyers of famous online stores tend to buy products that they have already seen a video or an advertising video of. Also, placing a video on the landing page of your site or app can increase the conversion rate by 80%. Studies show that 74% of users who watch an explanatory video about a product are interested in buying it. In terms of psychology, most of the information that enters your brain is visual. Therefore, the power of animated images that can engage the human mind more than a simple image will definitely be greater.