One of the factors that will directly influence your opportunities is related to the size of the Snippets. If the “optimized” answer is too large, Google will not want to use it, after all space is limited. On top of that, very small responses tend not to appear. Let's analyze the cases. Paragraphs For Snippets that are paragraphs, the best size optimization would be approximately words. This according to MOZ studies. The largest Snippets they found had words. Well, since the study was done in English, which generally has shorter words than Spanish, we decided to look at the number of characters.
On average, Snippets are characters long. The largest that was found has . The HT Lists graph below shows the percentage of Snippets of each size according to the MOZ study. That is, try to keep your Snippets with an average between and words. That will surely increase your chances. Lists The lists have an average of . items and . words per item. It's worth keeping this in mind when optimizing your posts. The largest list found was items and the largest number of words was . I do not recommend that you risk exceeding the number of words, in case you are interested in conquering an answer box.
Extra tip: worry more about the number of words than the number of items. Some Snippets have a “see more” tag that can increase the CTR of your page. The bigger the list the better ! And try to do it with more than items. In the end, if Google manages to show your entire list to Internet users, why would they click on your page? Boards Most tables have . rows and . columns, with the maximum being rows and columns. That is, hypothetically, make a table with more than three columns to win a Snippets. The idea is similar to that of lists.